Welcome to my blog!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit! We hope to share with you our journey of raising a child with Achondroplasia, the most common type of dwarfism. If this is your first time here, please start by reading Caitlyn's Story. It will share the beginning of her life with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hanna's Park Fun!!

Hanna just loves the park and I have to say it's been awhile since we went. Tomorrow morning Scott is playing in a tennis fundraiser and there is a COOL park right near the tennis courts. I think we'll spend some time there.

Thought I'd share some of the pictures from Hanna's last trip to the park.

On your mark, get set, GO!!

Hey!!! Wait for me!!!

Some fun on the bars...

Ready, set, jump!!!

And of course some sliding

I know the girls will have fun tomorrow! Watch for another park day post coming soon.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Caty's Open House

Caty has had a fabulous year in 1st grade. We are so proud of her and all that she has accomplished this past year.

She loves Math and is good at it. She reads like there's no tomorrow. Her reading level is that of a 3rd grader. She recently got into The Babysitters Club series. I read to whole series when I was younger; too bad I don't remember each of the stories because I know that Caty would love to chat about them.

Caty has had two AMAZING teachers this year. Mrs Buettner and Mrs Olcomendy. They have been team teaching for 7 or so years. Here's a picture of them and Caty.

The class had some awesome work that was on display. Each child made a stick person. Here's the whole class and then Caty and hers...

Next is a picture of her "pet" ladybug

There was some artwork displayed in the multipurpose room. This is from when the Art Docent came in and did a lesson with the class.

And finally "A Little Bit About Caitlyn"

Here it is hanging in class

And I got a few more pictures of it when we got home so you can see what she wrote :-)

Caty has loved 1st grade but is excited about moving into 2nd.

We are so proud of her!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Flashback Friday – May 18th 2012


Pooltime fun!

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Playing at the park

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The various faces of Caty

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Caty LOVES to swing!

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Gotta love the sandbox!

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A trip to Nana and Papa’s

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Bugging Boo while she tries to eat


Playing with Uncle Todd’s hats

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